Friday, May 14, 2010

Parenting in Morocco

It was after 8 PM, and there was a lull as I munched on my chicken. So the 40-year old, in full uniform from the restaurant, sat down with me.

After a pause, I gestured at the street and asked, "Why do all the girls have to be home by 6:30?"

"Because their parents know they might be having sex."

"In a cafe?" I humorously questioned, identifying the only real option for youth in Meknes.

"They start in a cafe. Then they go to the boy's house. It starts in the cafes."

"You have kids, right?"

"Yes. Two boys and one girl."

"So are you going to let your girl out when she's older?"

"Absolutely not. She will be home at 6:30."

"What if she wants to go over to her friend's house?"

"You never know in those sort of situations. She goes over to her friend's house and other people are there, maybe boys. No, she'll be staying at home."

"But your boys will be allowed to go out later?"

"Of course."

"But what if they're going to have sex?"

"Well, then they're going to have sex with prostitutes, the girls who are out late at night."

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