Wednesday, November 25, 2009

True Variety Radio

Most American radio stations self-identifying as "variety radio" don't hold a candle to the true variety on Moroccan airwaves.

While having breakfast this morning, I was listening to a Moroccan radio station. When I started listening, it was a news report in Fusha (standard Arabic). Next, the DJ started talking in French about various songs and local events, dropping in a few words in Darija here and there. Then the station's jingle came on. The jingle itself is half in French and half in English. The first part is in French and the last half brags about the station's "music and news".

The first song that came on was "The House of the Rising Sun", performed by the Animals. Then there was a Beach Boys' song. A little later, there was a contemporary French song.

After "You Can Call Me Al" came on, I turned the radio off. Less than thirty minute: news, talk, and music in four languages.

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