Monday, October 25, 2010

The Travails of CNSS, Ctd.

Today I returned to the CNSS office to obtain my Moroccan Social Security card. After waiting 10 or 15 minutes, I entered the room with the two men I had the pleasure of meeting last time.

I sat down in the chair at the desk of the man who told me to return on Monday. I said, "Salaamu Alaykum."

He continued working. A few seconds he turned to me. "Oui," he said as if he was surprised anyone would possibly want to talk with him.

I attempted to hide my strongly-held belief that no normal human being would want to talk with him if he didn't have this job, "You told me my card would be ready on Monday." I handed my carte de sejour (residency card) to him.

He looked at it for a second and then, without looking in any files or searching through any papers or checking my name against anything at all, he replied,"No, it's not ready yet. From now three days."

I will return on Thursday, Insha'allah, to see if it is ready then.

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